Grab n'go CSS editor Visual editor for learning and quick CSS mocking First released: 31 Jul, 2016 Last updated: 09 Sep, 2022 This tool is made for quick prototyping, mocking, and learning CSS via tinkering its properties. The editor is capable of generating valid and prefixed CSS, SASS, SCSS, and LESS code compatible with all browsers. Some call this tool "CSS visual editor", "CSS graphical editor", "CSS preview", "CSS generator", "online CSS builder", or "CSS constructor". We call it — Grab n'go editor. Enjoy creating and sharing your creatives with this tool. If you are missing a tool or something is broken, we are here for you — reach us out by one of the social links below. This project is mobile-friendly and fully-featured PWA, try it on a smartphone, or "Add to Home Screen" so this tool will always be in your pocket, even when you're offline or away from the keyboard. ⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts: Undo: [ctrl]+[z] | [cmd]+[z] Redo: [ctrl]+[shift]+[z] | [cmd]+[shift]+[z] 💡 Tips: For presice slider positioning use [←] and [→] keyboard keys; this works on activated (yellow color) slider; to activate slider click on it or click on icon on the left History holds up to 100 records Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate history, undo, redo changes, and replay working progress Smart shadows for text and box elements! Create 3 shadows within same pattern in a row (same gaps/steps between x, y, spread, and/or blur) and next new shadows will follow the same pattern! Creatives shared via URI; its styles encoded right into URL Be aware: complex creatives can generate long URLs Install this webapp on a smartphone via "Add to Home Screen" option. It works offline! 📋 Available properties: appearance — apply styles to different DOM elements, like div, span, img, input, checkbox, radio, select, textarea, and group of elements background-blend-mode background-clip background-color background-image background-origin background-repeat background-size background-position background-position-x background-position-y outline border border-top border-bottom border-left border-right border-radius border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-right-radius border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius box-shadow box-sizing color display filter — blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, saturate, and sepia font-family font-size font-weight width height letter-spacing line-height line-break mix-blend-mode object-type opacity overflow overflow-x overflow-y overflow-wrap padding perspective text-align text-align-last text-decoration-color text-decoration-line text-decoration-style text-decoration-thickness text-indent text-shadow text-stroke text-stroke-color text-stroke-width text-transform transform — rotate, scale3d, skew, and translate3d white-space word-break word-spacing word-wrap 👨🎨 Pre-styled creatives for inspiration: ✨ Unlock Magic 🔖 Bookmark icon 🔲 Call to action button ▲ Triangle 🖼 Text image clipping 📋 Lined out paper sheet 🖥 Landing page text 👾 Pink Skull 📝 Textarea form element 🎲 Dice 2 🎲 Dice 3 🎲 Dice 4 🎲 Dice 5 🎲 Dice 6 Created something amazing? We will add your "style" to our list and will mention you! Just tweet a link to your creative mentioning @veliovgroup. Create your styles and share them with the Internet and friends. Click on any style language at the top of the sidebar, then click on "copy share link". 🗣 Tell friends about this project via: Twitter Facebook and give us thumb up on Facebook 🏆 Achievements: Product #1 of the day (18 Apr, 2020) on ProductHunt Featured on Hacker News front page Featured on Featured in "A Fresh Cup" newsletter Featured in Frontend focus newsletter Featured in Indie Hackers newsletter Featured in ProductHunt newsletter Featured in What a tool! newsletter Featured on Top Hunts Time Machine (17 Apr, 2020) Highlighted in NxWorld post Featured in Web Design Trends newsletter 16,000 monthly returning users 👨💻 Made with: ☄ Meteor.js 📦 meteor-build-client 📦 ostrio:base64 📦 ostrio:templatehelpers 📦 seba:minifiers-autoprefixer 📦 fourseven:scss 📦 mquandalle:jade 📦 fps-m 📦 ClientStorage 📦 autoprefixer 📦 color 📦 cssbeautify 📦 jsonpack 📦 FontAwesome icons